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Bosch in Singapore

Our culture and benefits

Let‘s enjoy more. Enjoy the benefits of balancing your life and your job environment and rewards to make it all worthwhile. Work #LikeABosch

A group of associates are lifting another associate who is celebrated and enjoying it.

At Bosch, your job matches your lifestyle.

Everyone has their own focus in life. Whether it’s about new professional challenges, training and development, or more time for family, friends and hobbies. Whatever your goals — we’re flexible. Let‘s strike a balance.

Archimedes had one of his best ideas in the bath. We know that good ideas can arise anywhere and, with our flexible working policy, you can work in a way that suits you, your project and your team. Even those with management responsibility can make their work fit their life — not the other way around.

Work isn’t just about you; it’s about those you live with, love and look after. You can only take care of business if we help you take care of those around you.

  • Parents can work flexible hours, at many locations.
  • If you’re posted abroad, we’ll support your partner with finding a job, look-and-see trips, language courses and further training grants.
  • If you care for relatives, we offer both short and long-term solutions, e.g. part-time.

Your wellbeing is important to us; you matter. Only when you are happy, healthy and have a balanced life can we achieve our goals together. Most of our initiatives, developed in collaboration with leading specialists, are entirely free of charge as we benefit as much as you do. There’s a suite of preventative care measures, our ‘befit’ program that covers physical and mental health; from workplace design through to return-to-work integration management. We’re eager to help everybody with mental health, healthy nutrition, and create a brave, balanced and resilient working environment.

Work takes a lot out of us so, if you want to achieve a healthy balance, you need to put a lot back in. We have a range of nourishing and enjoyable classes, clubs and events to add a little inspiration, distraction and fun into your Bosch life.

At Bosch, we celebrate you

Our people are what make us remarkable. This is why we recognise your contribution with competitive salary packages, attractive benefits, profit shares, and sincere ‘thank yous’. Our success is your success. Let’s celebrate together.

Two associates are standing in front of a football table together with a Bosch Rexroth APAS assistance robot.

Rewards and recognition

We enjoy our work but we also enjoy the rewards. Every employee matters, so we offer an attractive base salary and regularly compare ourselves to the wider market. For every employee, we take into account your individual achievement, your specific role, and expertise. Our joint contribution to the company‘s success is recognised with corresponding bonuses based on the company performance; because top performers deserve top salaries. In addition, you‘ll receive an all-inclusive package of additional benefits that only a global multiplayer can offer.

Four associates are working from home and we see them in therir apartments on a video split screen.

The Bosch culture

Working at Bosch means sticking together: with a clear mission, a clear focus, and clear values to live and work by: We are Bosch.
We work hard for our customers and for society, but we also work hard to create a thriving and warm culture. That takes brave and confident leadership, the latest technology and plenty of space for networking and learning. Whatever your goals, we’re supportive and flexible.


  1. Glassdoor Award 2019
  2. Universum Engineering
  3. Universum Engineering
  4. Automotive TopCareer
A diverse group is holding scarves with the inscription “Join the Team” in the air. One person is waving the audience towards the group.

Work #LikeABosch — Apply now