Smiles all round
#SMILEFIE - a unique selfie opportunity.

The idea behind #SMILEFIE
Asia is known for its hospitality and smiles as well as for being a mobile driven region. We combined the two and encouraged visitors at the 'Car Free Day' to help make a difference in its simplest form: by sharing smiles. Pairing smiles with selfies, Bosch created SMILEFIES.

Did you know? More than 800 #SMILEFIEs were printed.
A happy day for Jakarta
The #SMILEFIE event was part of the 'Car Free Day' taking place on the major central highways in Jakarta on two consecutive Sundays, May 15 and 22, 2016. On both days, cars disappeared to give pedestrians the opportunity to enjoy the large entertainment program put up for them.
The #SMILEFIE event was centered around a stage with mounted Bosch security cameras. Bosch spread the positive vibes by inviting the crowd to share their smiles. Many visitors took their pictures in the 'selfie area' and got their smilefies as a personalized print. The pictures taken were also displayed in a mosaic on an interactive billboard to show all the beautiful smiles of the city. In addition, booth visitors could write on a branded wall on what makes Jakarta smile.
Photo Gallery
Check out some of the excitement we created during the #SMILEFIE event. A genuine smile is a way to express happiness and can help make a difference.
Did you know? More than 4,000 visitors came to our booth.
Support from Hollywood
Iko Uwais, a well-known Indonesian actor and stuntman, participated in the event - supporting us in sharing happiness. On the event days, he attracted the crowd; hundreds of people were happy to say hi and take a selfie with him.
In addition to receiving their printed selfies, booth visitors also took home an experience that was lit with mega-watt smiles. Apart from delivering solutions and products, Bosch also delivers happiness to customers.